Wedding Photography at Glenbervie House:
Michelle & Steven

So, this pushing out two blog posts on a Wednesday is becoming quite the thing for me – two last week and now two this week – I need to break these bad habits…and I’m working late shift again to boot. But, needs must as it’s a busy time of the year for me with 8 weddings this month alone, which include a double header (just this weekend gone) and a triple header (I kid you not) at the end of the month.

So guys, this fine Wednesday evening, I’m delighted to share with you some images from Michelle & Steven’s wedding at my local venue, Glenbervie House, back in March. I do love shooting at Glenbervie, and not only as it’s just five minutes up the road :-). But, this time, I also got to sample the amaze-balls that is the Coach House where all the guys were getting ready from. I’ve never been here before and the place is stunning – the perfect place to start your big day! And, from a personal point of view, brilliant for photography – even doing the detail shots, for once I had an absolute ton of room to move around :-).

Even though the Coach House is but a short hop to the main building at Glenbervie, the girls had a car arranged for the trip – wise, given the circumstances of swirling wind and rain and, hey, you just know it’s going to be a good day when the car with Michelle in came up the drive back-lit by a rainbow..and that doesn’t happen too often trust me!

What a fantastic day all round. Michelle & Steven – a big thank you for asking me to shoot your wedding day. Here’s just a few of my own favourite images which I hope you like.

Please all feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the post as I love to hear what you think :-). Even better, if you really like these, why not give me a “Like” on my Facebook page to keep in touch with what I’m up to – would be great to have you on board!


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  • Michelle MarshallMay 8, 2014 - 8:06 pm

    Brilliant Mike, love looking at the pics!ReplyCancel

  • Laura DavidsonMay 9, 2014 - 7:15 am

    Love the pictures, makes me even more excited seeing pictures from our venue too! Looking forward to having you photograph our day 🙂ReplyCancel

  • […] House Hotel to be exact for Carol & David’s wedding. I’d shot Carol’s sister Michelle’s wedding around this time last year so naturally I was delighted to be asked to shoot Carol’s big day […]ReplyCancel

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