Glasgow Portrait Photography:
Nikki & Josh’s Pre-Wedding Shoot at Linn Park

Last but one of my eight shoots this month and today I’m on pre-wedding duty with Nikki and Josh who are getting married in January and I’m really looking forward to shooting their wedding up at Airth Castle, a venue I know really well as I’m holding all my meetings with new couples there at the moment while my new studio is being built. Sadly, the same cannot be said of Linn Park, having not been here before, I madly relied on sat nav to guide me in – of course, sat nav doesn’t know where roadworks have been put in place so blindly leads you down a dead-end! Twenty minutes later I finally arrive via a round about route that took me miles away from the park before heading back in on the other side – I love technology, but boy it does make you lazy sometimes. Thanks guys for hanging around for me – hope the wait was worthwhile.

Having finally got here, gotta say I love this place. Has all the elements I love when doing shoots – tree-lined paths, rivers, bridges, flowers, bushes etc etc, I could go on but I’ll spare you. And then, of course, if I need to add in something of my own, I’ll bring out the speedlights. One thing I didn’t appreciate however is how big this park is! Walking around doing the shoot, I wasn’t really conscious of how far we’d gone and, of course, I’m always stopping every now and then to shoot. But on the way back at the end…well, I always thought I needed to get a bit fitter…and now I know I do. That said, it was pretty hot and I was carrying all my gear which, whilst not in the same league as a regulation army backpack, is still quite heavy in itself. Still, few sessions at the gym wouldn’t hurt I guess…

Guys, thanks for going along with my ideas today and for adding your own spin on things which always makes for a better shoot. Hope you like these few images that I’ve selected below (full set can be found in your online gallery). Please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom if you’s always very much appreciated.

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  • Ruth ScottSeptember 26, 2012 - 11:19 pm

    Love these photos – beautiful shots of a beautiful couple 🙂 RxReplyCancel

  • Ruth ScottSeptember 26, 2012 - 11:19 pm

    Love these photos – beautiful shots of a beautiful couple 🙂 RxReplyCancel

  • Ruth ScottSeptember 26, 2012 - 11:19 pm

    Love these photos – beautiful shots of a beautiful couple 🙂 RxReplyCancel

  • Stacey PatersonSeptember 27, 2012 - 9:33 am

    The photos are stunning!ReplyCancel

  • Mike Cook PhotographySeptember 27, 2012 - 7:48 am

    Thanks Ruth, glad you like them.ReplyCancel

  • Mike Cook PhotographySeptember 27, 2012 - 9:41 am

    Thanks Stacey, appreciate your comment.ReplyCancel

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